Our Annual Plant Sale! Lots of great choices!
May 10, 2025
104 Tremaine Rd, Milton, ON L9T 2W9, Canada

9am to 1pm
Our venue is the Italian Cultural Center of Milton (ICCM) at 104 Tremaine Road in their large field
formally Italian Canadian Club of Milton
This is an outdoor event.
Set up and drop off will be at the Club only on Friday May 10th, 10am to 6pm
The sale will be outdoors and we will have most plants on the ground in rows
Tents and tables will be set up for payment (etransfer, credit card, debit, cash, cheques), plant sitting, houseplants
There will be a rest area for volunteers with access to washrooms (and water for the plants)
March: We are looking for GARDEN-RELATED donations from individuals and local businesses. If you know of anyone who might be interested in donating (plants, garden-related items, gift cards, services), please contact Jennifer - 905-878-3597
April: Decide which plants in your garden need dividing. Ask friends, family and neighbours for any extra plants, especially if they are re-landscaping. If anyone needs help digging, let Jennifer know and it can be arranged. Don't forget about houseplants, veggie seedlings- we take those too!
Late April/Early May: Dig up/divide/pot your plants and water lightly until the sale. Plants look better when they have recovered from being dug up. A few weeks before the sale, pots will be available for you if needed.
Friday, May 10th: Deliver plants to the ICCM location on Tremaine Rd. Help is needed unloading, potting, labelling etc. Can you help?
Saturday, May 11th: Help is needed the day of the sale for many jobs: parking marshals, greeters, plant sitters, cashiers, plant experts, cleanup etc. Lots of great volunteer opportunities.
Contact us for more information or to volunteer.
We’re an enthusiastic group of individuals brought together by a common passion. Have a look at what we’ve got coming up, and if you’re interested in joining the Milton & District Horticultural Society simply get in touch today.