Volunteer Opportunities
Archives Society activity, documents etc. to Google storage. Committee Chair - Christine Marvell
Arranges for the venue, manages logistics, dinner and teardown. Committee Chair -Jonathon Smith Set up - Beverly Parnaby Silent Auction - Ann McFarquhar Awards - OPEN! This could be you!
Arranges for the tree to be planted, venue, and ceremony. Committee Chair - Roberta Roberts
Liaises with DG Greenhouses to arrange for member planting of fall urns. Committee Chair - Beverly Parnaby
Creates and manages fundraising events, to ensure sufficient funds for MDHS projects and operations. Committee Co Chairs - OPEN! This could be you!
Describe your image: Books the venues, arranges marketing, organizes workshops, library talks and other events. Committee Co Chairs - OPEN! This could be you!
Searches for and obtains gardens, marketing and publicity of the event, occasionally assists homeowners with their garden, liaison with homeowners to keep them informed and comfortable, day of tour volunteer coverage and promotion of the Society. Committee Co-Chairs - Genana Kulla and ? This could be you!
Creates and prints the newsletter, yearbook, etc. to ensure members are apprised of Society events. Promotes Society events to the public online social media including Society Facebook page and website. Committee Chair - Kayla Corkum Yearbook, Newsletter, Promotions etc. Newsletter Distribution - Nancy McKenzie
Arranges refreshments for the monthly meeting break. Committee Chair - Jonathon Smith
Sends special occasion, get well cards and memorial plants etc. to members. Committee Chair - Janet Cross
Maintains an accurate membership list, collects fees, arranges for the printing and issuing of membership cards, name tags and yearbook, newsletter and email blasts. Committee Chair - Gillian Burns membershipmdhs@gmail.com
Manages logistics for set up and teardown, judging, prize list etc.. Records for Awards Celebration and Yearbook. Committee Chair - Margot Johnson Show Design Schedules - Roberta Roberts Show Horticultural Schedules - Barbara Smith
Acquires plant materials, arranges for the venue, organizes, and sets up tables, markets to the public and members, arranges for plant digs, manages volunteers, arranges for silent auction donations if applicable etc. Committee Chair - Jennifer Mirosolin
Creates the photo classes for the year, collects the entries, arranges for the judging and displaying of prize winners. Committee Chair - OPEN! This could be you!
Collects & packages seeds, arranges venue, publicizes and sells seeds. Committee Co-Chairs - Barbara Smith & Elise Clement
Arranges for the venue, manages logistics for set up, show operation and teardown. Selects the categories and classes. Arranges for judging, prize list etc. Records for Awards Celebration and yearbook. Committee Chair - Barbara Smith Show Schedules Design - Elise Clement & Krys Good Show Schedules Horticultural - Barbara Smith
Liaises with Julie Speck at The Flower Shed Farms and Greenhouses to arrange for member planting of spring urns, baskets and/or window boxes. Committee Chair - Katherine Pulford and Joan LaSalle
Organizes any excursions. Recommends and organizes social activities. Committee Chair - OPEN!
Arranges for the venue, marketing, manages logistics for set up, show operation and teardown. Arranges for judging, prize list etc. Records for Awards Celebration and Yearbook. Committee Chair - Janet Cross Show Schedules Design - Elise Clement & Krys Good Show Schedules Horticultural - Barbara Smith
Responsible for liaison with the Town of Milton, renting of garden plots, communication with gardeners and collection of rental fees and ensures the efficient running of the community garden. Committee Chair - Grace Moores
Volunteer Gardens: Arranges for volunteers to maintain the community gardens. Purchases seasonal materials for the gardens around town. (See below.) Committee Co Chairs - Jennifer Mirosolin & Marilyn Meyer Deborah’s Home - Beverly Parnaby
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.
We’re an enthusiastic group of individuals brought together by a common passion. Have a look at what we’ve got coming up, and if you’re interested in joining the Milton & District Horticultural Society simply get in touch today.